xocoa chocolate bar packaging

SchokoXocoa Chocolate Bars – Stunning Packaging… but would it pass the test of a true ‘swissmiss’? Hmm….

I love their tagline: Best consume before it dissapears.

(via karin eriksson)

2 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Reminds me to the austrian Zotter chocolate :) http://www.zotter.at/schoko_galerie.html

  2. These ARE good, actually, but I found two chocolate bars over the weekend that would hold up to your Swiss scrutiny. They are SO good, I can’t even describe them.

    I’m obsessed. I actually went back to the natural foods store and loaded up last night… (Don’t worry. Just cuz they’re eco-friendlyhuggy doesn’t mean they’re some horrible carob/pseudo chocolate monstrosity. They’re the real deal.)


    ENDANGERED SPECIES BARS (my fave is the manatee bar)