The infamous “What does Marsellus Wallace Look Like?” scene from Pulp Fiction is brilliantly illustrated with the use of fancy typography by Jarrat Moody. Pulp Fiction Typography
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The infamous “What does Marsellus Wallace Look Like?” scene from Pulp Fiction is brilliantly illustrated with the use of fancy typography by Jarrat Moody. Pulp Fiction Typography
(via bblinks via signal vs. noise)
Here you can view the clip above with the original Pulp Fiction clip underneath it:
Mar 7th, 2007 / 5:29 am
I would watch entire feature length films like this…
Mar 7th, 2007 / 10:57 am
Its kind of a rip-off of this famous piece that MK12 did a couple of years ago.
Mar 7th, 2007 / 6:25 pm