keep calm and carry on | towel

Calmteatowel‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ is now available as a Tea Towel! Hooray!

This tea towel is based on an original WWII poster that the British government planned to issue in the event of an invasion. We think the message is still very appropriate today, and we’ve screenprinted the poster onto a fine quality linen union tea towel.

Available at

5 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Is it wrong to design my whole kitchen around such a tea towel?

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. ok you got me on this one…i thought by calk you meant caulk and i thought this was going to be one of those links to a dyi design thingy.

    then i realized you meant to type “calm”…

    now i KNOW i’m sleep deprived!

  3. Looks good, but isn’t this basically plagiarism?

  4. I never understood this. The Germans would have just pulled them down.

  5. i have the print, would love to have the tea towel.
    do you ship to u.s.?
    can i get them in u.s.?
    i enjoy your blog!