Over the next month, Michael C Place of Build and Creative Review will be conducting a unique experiment. They are going to document one month in the life of a graphic designer. Mr Place (whose desk is shown above) has agreed to record everything that he does during this period. Every piece of work. Every idea. Every presentation. Every meeting.
During the four weeks there will be regular updates at the CR Blog. You’ll thrill as he meets his bank manager. Gasp as he checks some proofs. Marvel as he tours exotic locations such as Walthamstow and Epping Forest. All will be revealed.At the end of the four weeks, they are going to publish this unique insight into the life of a graphic designer in a special August issue of Creative Review, out the week of 23 July.
As a first taste, here is Michael’s diary for last week.
(via swisslegacy)
ah man… as a regular CR subscriber here in London, I’ve gotta say how disappointed I am with this. I mean, I read CR for interesting news and features and not to for the chance to read a manuscript for something that could actually be my own working day…!
Jun 20th, 2007 / 9:59 am
I take it all back… I’ve just read the feature in the new Aug edition of CR and I couldn’t put it down until I’d finished the whole piece!
Aparently CR are going to make this a regular spot involving many other design disciplines… I now can’t wait to read the next one!!!
Jul 30th, 2007 / 3:20 am