I rejoiced standing in line at the deli this morning. Why? In front of me was a fellow with the nicest looking laptop backpack I have ever seen: ACME The Slim Pack. The young man must have noticed my ‘ohmygodthisbagissonice-look’ on my face and took a minute to show off his accessory. Like me he was looking for a laptop backpack that doesn’t look like one, that doesn’t scream: “hey, I have a really expensive laptop in here!” Obviously I am not the only one liking the medium size black as it is out of stock over at ACME. But I was able to locate one over at kolobags.com.
Ooooo, I love it! I have been looking for a laptop backpack for years and still haven’t found one I like enough to purchase. Definitely looking into this one!
Jun 6th, 2007 / 6:09 am
I like it too but I’m not entirely convinced of it’s clandestine properties. While it’s true that it doesn’t look like a laptop bag, it’s only true in the sense that it isn’t styled in a way other laptop bags have before now.
But I doubt very much it would fool a would-be thief on the lookout for laptops simply because there isn’t anything else it could reasonably be used for. What else could fit in there? A backpack document holder? A backpack chair cushion for those hard subway seats? A backpack record album holder for Dj’s? I can’t think of anything else. I love your blog BTW.
Jun 7th, 2007 / 12:30 am