Tina, are you steering your desk lamp?


This uber-cool LamponiLamp makes me miss my 40 year old eggshell colored Vespa sitting in my dad’s garage in Switzerland. (Any of you swiss readers desire to adopt it?)

(via gizmodo)

5 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Oh, yes, absolutely! I adore old Vespas. I’ve been driving a model from 1966 around Switzerland for the last 20 years now.

  2. I dreamed of a vespa all my life. I left Switzerland at 13, just shy of getting my own!And they did not have them here in the US back then.
    To this day I dream of having one! NOw I have two kids and a dog to move around, I don’t think I can put them on my vespa!
    ONE DAY!

  3. Hmm.. ever considered importing it to NYC ? Could be fun AND nostalgic to zip around in

  4. nyes i am John eggnort. i adore vespas send me a pic of iit :)