does anyone know who created this poster?


I am completely in love with this typography poster, above. Swissmiss Readers, do you know who is the designer?

(Photo by Dexter Hodges via blackwhitebliss)

4 Comments leave a comment below

  1. I know! It is a Javier Mariscal’s design. He is a designer from Barcelona, also known for the creation of Barcelona’s olympic pet, Cobi.

    Actually, you can by a similar poster in his web:

    (I’m sorry for my english, I’m argentinian AND totally out of practice).

    ¡Me encanta tu blog!*

    *Love your blog!

  2. No idea, but my, how Gilbert and George have changed!!

  3. Yes! It is a poster created by Javier Mariscal. I think he is better illustrator than designer. Take a look at his web.
    (sorry for my english, I’m spanish…)

  4. i’ve been wondering the same thing! i’d also love to know if that exact one is available somewhere. . .