swissmiss studio has moved!


swissmiss studio officially has a new address. I’ve just moved all my stuff to our new office and am about to burst of joy. The desks were delivered and installed this morning and they look fantastic! You can follow the build out here! Now, all we need is an internet connection and we’re open for business. Hooray to new office space and a fantastic view!

(pictured above is my desk and my view)

29 Comments leave a comment below

  1. i’m jalous
    it looks fantastic

    greets from Warsaw


  2. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
    Lucky you, that desk is amazing! And the chairs…
    the chairs are beautiful, and that suitcase down to the
    left looks pretty great too.

    The view isn’t to bad either.

    I’m heading over to Flickr now for more…

    Good luck with everything!

  3. wohooo! nice view. a little bit jalous too.

  4. Ummm. There just ins’t enough white space! HA
    Congrats on the new shangri-la, swissy-miss!


  5. wohooo! nice view. a little bit jalous too.

  6. Ooh webcam through window at earliest opportunity please.

  7. Hey, what is still missing is the coffee machine!? Very important, isn’t it?
    Eso nes Käfeli muess eifach si.


  8. Looking a little cluttered there. Remember your Swiss heritage. (yay!)

  9. Would love to feature your workspace on our site! Please e-mail me if you’re alright with this! =)

  10. What happened to the website redesign?

  11. All the best in your new space Swiss-Miss

  12. All the best in your new space Swiss-Miss

  13. Congrats, what a beautiful space! I love the touches of red, very Swiss :))) Is it on Plymouth street?

  14. Would you care to share the details on the desks?

    I’m interested in what they are made of/from. Thanks.

  15. Nice view!

    I’m in NYC now for 1 week, at 5 min walk from Pier17!

  16. White concrete floor, pillars, large windows, amazing view – love it! Congratulations on the new and beautiful studio… I am a bit courious on wireing vs. countertop? if you set up a new imac, are ther holes to put the powercord through, or how does it work? :)

  17. Congrats Tina and studio! The new space looks wonderful. The exciting part is up ahead – filling it up with stuff!

  18. wow, what a view indeed — I’d be continually inspired!

  19. I hope it all works out for the best, Tina. I’m sure it will.

  20. Congrats on your new offices. They look great ! Hope you’ll also feel great !
    A belgian reader.

  21. Congrats on the new space… I would have that desk messy in no time!

  22. Congratulations Tina. A studio like your’s makes me wanna move to NY!

  23. Congratulations Miss! What an amazing view!

  24. A great view indeed! Congrats!!

  25. Yay Tina!!
    I wish you every new success in your new digs!

  26. Love the simplistic layout. Congratulations on the move !

  27. I went to see all your pictures on Flickr. The office looks fantastic! The view is enough of an incentive to get up early in the morning! Imagine watching dawn or sunset …

  28. simply stunning! what inspiration you will draw from such a view? a new visitor, i love your posts . . .