Just when you thought a kid’s world was powered exclusively by batteries. Crazy Forts uses geometrically precise balls and sticks to create a multitude of play fort possibilities that you simply throw a sheet over.
Just when you thought a kid’s world was powered exclusively by batteries. Crazy Forts uses geometrically precise balls and sticks to create a multitude of play fort possibilities that you simply throw a sheet over.
Ooh, that reminds me of Quadro (www.quadro.de). I used to build huge castles with that when I was younger :)
Jul 13th, 2008 / 5:34 am
USM for tha kids ….!!!!
Jul 14th, 2008 / 3:21 am
Oh man! So simple and so brilliant!
Jul 14th, 2008 / 4:25 pm
Man I would have loved this growing up.
Jul 14th, 2008 / 4:39 pm
I cant imagine any child being disappointed!! As a parent, I’m glad they are no longer pulling the couch apart to make their forts. I dont regret making this purchase at all!!
Jul 15th, 2008 / 11:11 pm
How cool would it be as a kid if your parent just installed jumbo eye bolts at various places around your room. You could redesign a fort daily. Just sayin.
Jul 25th, 2008 / 7:40 pm
Does anyone know if I can get this in Belgium? None of the resellers on the Crazy Forts site will ship to Europe (grrr)
Sep 5th, 2008 / 5:49 am
What a great idea! I just ordered a set online for my son for Christmas, is one set enough or should I order another?
Nov 26th, 2008 / 3:16 pm