25 “luxury” plastic bottle designs


In a thought-provoking photo-essay in Lens Culture, Frank Yamrus shows us 25 “luxury” plastic bottle designs, and provides an amazing compilation of facts about our modern-day obsession with these sleek, cool, convenient status symbols.

2 Comments leave a comment below

  1. There is one important item missing in this collection: The Bottle that Luici Colani has designed for Swiss Company Valser http://www.presseportal.ch/de/pm/100003608/100017928/valser_mineralquellen_ag

    As far as I remember he also designed a Glass Bottle back in the eighties, wich was even more outstanding.

  2. Hi,

    I was just wanting to know if I could grab some more information and images on the designs of your water bottles

    Best Regards

    Mitchell Hogan