Sweet Rocking Cycle At Designblok 2008

(PLAY!, originally uploaded by pavelm.)

Don’t know anything about this rocking horse other that I want it. Good find, daddytypes!

9 Comments leave a comment below

  1. oh my gosh. this is one of those “i wish that were my idea” moments.

  2. It looks just like Play mobile logo (http://www.playmobile.pl/). But it can’t be, Play mobile is like one year old, and this neon sign is way too old.

  3. Wow, this is just awesome!

  4. I like the springs on the seat cause they know your kid’s gonna work it.

    Btw, what’s that pointy bit on the hadlebars? Did they leave a piece to represent the horse’s head? Seems to me that’d be a bit dangerous seeing as how it’s made out of steel and all.

  5. The only thing I can say is “Giddy Up!”

  6. The only thing I can say is “Giddy Up!”

  7. The only thing I can say is “Giddy Up!”

  8. naw. i want the letters. ;)