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Hey Joanna, Thank you so much for writing this and shranig this with us. I am 16 years old and have been suffering from depression for a year. Unfortunately for me, it’s a genetic thing as both my mother and my maternal grandfather have it.Last year, in Grade 10, I had an amazing year (3 best friends, most improved student award at the end of the year, good grades and a stable family) and then this year, that all fell apart. One of my best friends moved away to the States and while we still talk everyday on IM, it’s not the same. One of my other friends stopped talking to me altogether and so I alienated myself from everyone. My grades have started slipping again and I haven’t talked to my dad in over a month because he is not a good father and doesn’t care about me. My daily motto is: ‘I’m on my way to brighter days’ and I truly believe that I am, and that as soon as I go to university and find a new environment, my depression will be easier to handle and maybe even correct itself on it’s own.I know this is a long comment but I just wanted to share my story with you since you shared yours with us. Thank you again! :)
Dec 1st, 2012 / 3:51 am