If I could wish for any speaker it would be….

At today’s CreativeMornings I asked the following question: If you could wish for any speaker it would be…. See more answers over on flickr.

Did you attend but we didn’t capture your answer? Or do you simply have a good suggestion for an upcoming CreativeMornings speaker, please leave your suggestion in a comment below.

(thank you sara, for taking the photos)

11 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Bill Buxton:

    David Baker, Recourses:

  2. I never ’round to filling out my form, but I would like to hear Randy Ludacer from Box Vox talk about his collections, and how on Earth he manages to turn up the contents of his blog.

  3. Forgot to find Sara to take a photo (think I was still awed by Michael Bierut signing my book). Anyway my vote was for Dustin Nguyen (http://duss005.blogspot.com/). He’s a comic book artist but some of his interiors / ID stuff in his panels look fantastic. Really creative mind!

  4. After seeing the photos of her during Tina’s last AIGA talk, I second the vote for Aunt Hugi!


  6. That lady writing all in caps, right above this comment, that’s her, my crazy aunt Hugi. Gotta love her. :) http://www.flickr.com/photos/swissmiss/sets/145629/

  7. What an amazing morning, thank you. Didn’t have time to get my card photographed, but I would love to hear Zach Feuer.

  8. I think the idea behind this is so good. I see so many taking part in this so much here. Great to have speakers like this.
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