Oh, Fuuuuuudge!

Kelli Anderson is a NYC based designer. An incredibly talented designer, I must add. But it doesn’t stop there. She also makes a killer Fudge. (Or Fuuuuuuudge, as she says.) We here at studiomates have been lucky to receive many of her Fudge deliveries in the past few months. Chewing on one of these pieces of heaven a few weeks ago, I asked Kelli if she’d be up for sharing her grandmother’s recipe. Of course, she said. So she went ahead, photographed her process and just put up this blogpost.

Make sure to check out the boxes she uses to deliver her Fuuuuuuudge in. They are handmade and oh-so-georgeous. Total killer!

Nini’s Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe

2 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Soooo glad I was in the studio with you the day Kelli came by with her fudge. So amazingly delicious. Nice to see her sharing such a great treat.

  2. Ha, classic line from “A Christmas Story.”