World of Alice AC Apapter

This AC Adapter designed by Imamura Ken Nozomi Miyatake made me smile. Available on iiDA (Japanese only)

(via blstrawberry)

13 Comments leave a comment below

  1. lovely lovely! :)

  2. because that’s what you want – kids playing with electrical cords…

  3. This thing delights every part of my infantile brain! Hope it’s approved for kids over 30. :)

  4. Wow! Love this silhouette landscape adapter – very cool. Thanks for sharing! Diana

  5. dead link on iiDA

  6. I’m thinking fire hazard.

  7. link is dead
    where can i buy it?

  8. Who is this designed for? It looks lovely, but not something you’d wants your kids playing with.

  9. the first of this idea was first designed by a student for a competition 2 yrs. back.. i wish i remember her name.. but this design is amazing..

  10. I am helping people get this from Japan from FlutterScape, if you want :)

  11. Nice touch !! Like it :)