Here’s the latest product curated by the lovely Holstee folks: Feelgoodz Flip Flops, made of natural rubber which means they are biodegradable. When the life of your Feelgoodz come to an end, chop them up and bury them in your backyard – and in a few years they will completely biodegrade. In addition to the 10% for Kiva that Holstee lends out for every purchase, every purchase of Feelgoodz benefits Pencils of Promise, an organization which builds schools in the developing world and trains young leaders to take action at home and abroad! “Feel good” on so many levels!
I’m not a flip-flop enthusiast and I generally believe flip-flops have only a very limited role to play in contemporary society and should be worn and seen far less than they are. And yet strangely these strike me as awesome, thank you.
Jun 9th, 2011 / 7:20 am
Must get these for the GF now that we live in Venice
Jun 9th, 2011 / 8:02 pm
Look into havaiana flip flops as well.
Jun 9th, 2011 / 11:26 pm
What an awesome look and idea…especially since they’re saving our environment as well!
Jun 13th, 2011 / 4:18 pm