Would you go and see a documentary about Charlie Todd’s Improv Everywhere, the king of NYC flash mobs, such as Invisible Dogs, No Paints Subway Ride and Black Tie Beach just to mention a few. I would! And we can, if we help them reach their Kickstarter fundraising goal. They are currently at a $115,253 of a $125,00 goal. And there are only 25hours to go.
I just backed the project. Will you?
so cool. yes i will. made me laugh until i teared up a bit. the idea of a large group going out to entertain as many people as possible with the chance it might be great is awesome.
Jan 20th, 2012 / 10:05 am
sure i did. invisible dogs is still in the memory of the neighborhood
Jan 21st, 2012 / 7:56 am