Simon Sinek and Trevor Noah in Conversation

I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation on friendship.


Currently on repeat in my house. (How does this man not age one bit?)

Rainbows in My Clouds

I love Maya Angelou‘s notion of taking anyone who has ever been kind to her energetically on stage with her when she gives talks. That way, she is never alone. Always supported. I will think of this next time I give a talk.

Monstera Fruit

I am a big fan of Monstera Deliciosa. (Funny: it’s also called the Swiss cheese plant.) This is the one I have been growing in my bedroom for the last 9 years.

And just now, I stumbled upon the below video and was amazed to learn that it grows fruit, when growing in the wild. (This video is helpful, if you want to grow a big beautiful Monstera)

Joan As Police Woman | The Magic

Currently on repeat over here. Love Joan As Police Woman.

The Universe in Verse

What are you doing this coming Sunday? I have something delightful for you: The Universe in Verse is happening again, in time for the eclipse, and you can tune in for free. Thank you Maria for gathering these wonderful humans.

If you do watch it, please consider sending a contribution Maria’s way. She is extremely generous in making this experience avaialble at no cost.

Architect Breaks Down 5 of the Most Common New York Apartments

OMG, I love YouTube! I stumbled upo this video by Michael Wyetzner, breaking down five of the most common apartment types found in New York City. So interesting!

Join or Die | Trailer

Join or Die is a film about why you should join a club—and why the fate of America depends on it. Screening on Saturday February 24 in NYC at 3.30pm at FIT. Tickets and more info here.

(Thanks Casper)


I can’t stop smiling.


I love Estelle Winwood and the word windowsill.

Why Having Fun Is the Secret to a Healthier Life

This resonates: “Fun is a feeling, not an activity.” Thank you Catherine Price.

Jad Abumrad at CreativeMornings/NYC

What a gift! This talk! Wow!

Last Friday, the remarkable Jad Abumrad unwrapped a gift on stage, in talk from, in front of our CreativeMornigns/NYC community.

It’s a talk about wandering and wondering. Thoughtful. Thought provoking. Beautiful. Well worth 20 min of your time.

Secrets to a Well Lived Life

Dr. Gladys McGarey is 103 years old and considered the mother of Holistic Medicine. In this captivating and powerful interview, she shares the secrets to a longer, healthier, happier life. For more, we recommend Dr. Gladys’ new book: The Well-Lived Life.

How Language Shapes Thought

What an incredibly fascinating talk by Lera Boroditsky on how language structure shapes thought! Highly recommend!

Now is Better

The conversation starts at 16:47

We closed out our CreativeMornings/NYC year with a conversation between two design legends, Debbie Millman and Stefan Sagmeister. I love Stefan’s orientation towards optimism and urging us to think longterm. Jump to the start of their conversation by clicking here and skipping over all the intros. You can buy Now Is Better Book here.

Hank Green On The Problem With Being A Creator

(via Weekly Highlights, the CreativeMornings newsletter)

Myoung Ho Lee

I adore the work of photographer Myoung Ho Lee. I proudly display one of his photographs in my home.

Country Life Vlog

This couple is the most soothing content I watch these days on YouTube. Their son films them cooking and gardening. Delightfully slow. (And here is there Instagram account.)

If You Could Change One Thing About Your Body

Stay until the kids come on. They are so pure. Heart melts.


(Via The Curious Brain)

Hydraulic Press Girl

This is weird. And I love it. (The Avocado is my all-time favorite)

What’s That Pigeon On Your Head?


Completely in love with this art installation by Rafael Sommerhalder.


Xavi Bou has a passion for visualizing the beauty of bird flight paths. (I am enamored by the prints he sells.)