Mike Monteiro wrote a (Book Apart) book, which is going on sale today. Last I heard, Mike will deliver it himself. (image above, by darth)
I was able to get my hands on it early and I wish it would have been around when I started working as a designer and most of all when I started my own studio 6 years back. Needless to say, I devoured the book. Mike covers everything from contracts to selling design, from working with clients to working with each other. It’s a short book, packed with knowledge you can’t afford not to know.
Get it here: Design is a job
(Have you seen his CreativeMornigns talk F*ck you, Pay Me?)
I’m getting this right now when loading A Book Apart – http://bit.ly/Hud98X
One thought: Shopify needs to allow ABA to customize their maintenance page, it’s looking a bit drab haha. :D
The book seems top notch though from your brief description, I’m sold!
Also, just finished watching ‘F*ck you, pay me’ – thanks for sharing!
Apr 10th, 2012 / 9:29 am
Amen. Unfortunately it will take some more time for the attitude (by society) towards designers to change.With the increasing need to differentiate products and services, make them more user friendly and grab user attention, designers will gain the respect and value they deserve.
Apr 10th, 2012 / 9:30 am
I’m going to get this too… sounds like a great read.
Apr 10th, 2012 / 10:54 am
The book that he wrote here was so good. So much that you can learn from design so much here. So many great options with it. Great job here. Factoring Vancouver
Jan 20th, 2013 / 2:21 pm