Hopscotch is a brand new iPad app that teaches kids coding. It allows them to create an interactive program on the iPad by dragging blocks of code and dropping them into a scripting area. No typing required. Beautifully designed! This makes me so happy! Can’t wait to try this with my daughter tonight!
Holy cow. Cannot wait to give this a go!
Apr 18th, 2013 / 3:54 am
http://movetheturtle.com/ is another great app, quite similar to Hopscotch
Apr 18th, 2013 / 3:52 pm
Great, now I need to make me some babies and raise them fast enough to try this with them!
Apr 18th, 2013 / 9:51 pm
No iPad app, but MIT, UC Berkeley and others have been doing a lot of great work on this front with Scratch:
Apr 24th, 2013 / 3:56 pm
My lil boy wants 2 play that games and will show me how to use it.
Jun 6th, 2013 / 7:40 am
This is great. Any book recos for kids to learn code for ages 6 and up?
Jun 12th, 2013 / 4:22 pm
A friend recommended this book for learning kids to code http://www.laurenipsum.org/
Jun 12th, 2013 / 6:24 pm