You’re Officially Awesome

You're Awesome

Are you a creative person that constantly submits to competitions but never gets in? Are you over 30 and bummed that you missed your chance to be a 20 under 30? or a 30 under 40? or some other random number under some other random number? Well, Jessica Hische has an award for you. Then you can put “award winning designer” or whatever on your resumé. Please note the awesome cats in the background.

8 Comments leave a comment below

  1. I love Jessica Hische, totally awarded myself yesterday :)

  2. I need this today!! Great stuff!

  3. Thanks for this, I just sent one to my wife. :)

  4. Many thanks, Jessica! This is awesome-o-matic! :)

  5. I needed this today – got me thinking. Thanks Jessica Hische – I like you even more now.

  6. Haha – too cute :)


    Necesitaba un estimulo para saber que hago bien las cosas!!!

    ( en realidad, siento que hago bien las cosas, necesitaba “mimos”…)


  8. I love this.