This is the first film in a three-part series by the wonderful folks behind The Great Discontent. Over the course of October 10–12, 2012, they set up a small filming station to record brief interviews with conference attendees at Brooklyn Beta and asked: Are You Creatively Satisfied?
In order of appereance: Yours truly, Josh Brewer, Larissa Meek, Mandy Blankenship, Lionel Fernandez Roca, Joshua Blankenship, Aaron Draplin, Yoko Sakao Ohama, Larry Legend, Brett Mascavage, Jen Mussari, Ron Lewis, Mandy Brown, Krystyn Heide, Cassie McDaniel, Chris Glass, Aaron Robbs, Cemre Güngör, Joe Leech, Greg Leppert, Jessi Arrington, Audrey Tan, Elizabeth Ramos, Libby Nicholaou, and Greg Storey.
Larry Legend. WHAT A NAME! x
Jul 11th, 2013 / 6:57 pm
This was a wonderful way to start my workday. It’s so relieving to know that there are many others out there who feel the way I do, and that there are even more who have achieved the creative satisfaction (even if only temporarily) that we all crave. To know that we are all in a constant struggle to find it is, strangely, a comfort to me. Thank you for sharing!
Jul 12th, 2013 / 10:02 am
I am like the dude with the sweatshirt. When I finish yeah but immediatly wanna start over.
This says a lot about our personality.
Loving it !
Jul 12th, 2013 / 1:19 pm
This is beautiful : )
Jul 19th, 2013 / 12:27 am