Watch the above video and then watch the reaction video. GAH! Video by mssngpeces.
– BusyContacts is a contact manager for OS X that makes creating, finding, and managing contacts faster and more efficient.
– Beautiful: Planet Iceland.
– Dear Valentine, I love you, whoever you are.
– Who said it? Kanye West or your Creative Director?
– Siracha and Ketchup having a baby? YES!
– Skylights are my big dream. This new technology can make it happen in any room. Supercool.
– My son is turning 5 tomorrow, on Valentine’s day. Hence this post I just stumbled upon made me smile.
– Bill Gross on What Matters Most in Startup Success
– Muji Air Purifier. A beauty.
– “Most organizations regularly assess individual accomplishments. Why not track acts of helping as well?” Madam C.E.O., Get Me a Coffee
– Mattel announced a partnership with Google that will resurrect the toy company’s View-Master line. Supercool!
– A beauty: Porter Tray Table.
– What does “OK” stand for, anyway? (via)
– Beyonce’s 8-minute mini-doc on racial injustice
– Creative ideas happen when you stop checking your phone
– The Whiskey Cabinet is a jargon-free guide for the whiskey enthusiast (via)
– I would be totally ok living in this Copenhagen Townhouse.
– How to Disagree (Without Being a Jerk)
– The fine folks of Local Projects are looking for a Senior Graphic Designer.
There is a problem with code in the fourth link: Dear Valentine.
Feb 14th, 2015 / 10:54 am
never disappointed. thanks for the good things hunt !
Feb 16th, 2015 / 9:28 am