Fun Times Guaranteed with the Super Set

Super Set

The Tattly Super Set is a tin can filled with our 100 most popular temporary tatto designs. It’s been my secret INSTANT FUN BUTTON for the last 5 years! My friends and my kids know, I carry one with me at all times. Let me tell you, its contents can turn any boring meeting around. A playdate gone sour? I pull out the Super Set and giant waves of smiles flood over everyone involved! A boring dinner party? I pull out the Super Set and even the most reserved dinner guest will eventually find a good spot to slap a Tattly on. IT WORKS!

Basically, every aunt/uncle, grandparent, boss and college student should own a Super Set. And yes, friends have invited me to dinner and then texted me the day of, gently asking, ‘You’re bringing your Tattly Tin Can, right?’ Whatever gets you to be the popular one, right? FUN TIMES GUARANTEED!

2 Comments leave a comment below

  1. “You’re bringing your Tattly Tin Can, right?”

    Come on….enough.