Imagine if a reply-all e-mail chain jumped from the screen into your everyday life. What a nightmare.
– God bless free wifi. Yes.
– I think I’d enjoy this book: The New Simplicity in Graphic Design
– It’s a bear. It’s a remote. It’s cute.
– MoMA puts 1000s of historical exhibition photos online
– Cat lovers unite: Kitty colar blouse.
– This Experimental Home Tilts Like A See-Saw As You Walk Around Inside
– Researchers have discovered the key to naturally stripping sugar from all our foods
– This is a design-y tea towel.
– Jay Z: ‘The War on Drugs Is an Epic Fail’
– The best ways to cope with a noisy office (via)
– This home by Lia Chavez made me gasp.
– Tempted to put some dots on my walls.
– This simple, modular shelfing system called Lap Shelving is beautiful!
– The Hamdog is what happens when a hamburger and a hotdog have a baby. Made me laugh.
– Responding to cyberbullying – ten tips for teens
– 100+ new iPhone and iPad features in iOS 10 (via)
– Woodieful is a shelf and a stool and a coffee table all in one.
– Even locals who believe climate change is real have a hard time grasping that their city will almost certainly be flooded beyond recognition: This is New York in the not so distant future.
– No big deal: Tattly launched a collaboration with The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C!
Great links! I really enjoyed looking at Lia Chavez’s home.
Sep 24th, 2016 / 1:23 am