A ballerina dances as the joints on her body are traced with a computer-generated rotoscope animation technique, an algorithm that brings a mathematical layer to her natural movements.
– If you haven’t watched this brand new talk by Paola Mendoza, the artistic director of the WomensMarch, please take a few minutes to do so. It will light a fire in your heart.
– GOODNEWSPAPER prints the stories of the people, ideas, and movements that are changing the world for the better.
– Fixing the ‘Brain Damage’ Caused by the I.P.O. Process
– Care by Volvo is a car subscription service.
– How To Buy Your First Home: A No Nonsense Step-by-Step Guide
– Fascinating: Elizebeth Smith Friedman, a puzzle-solving heroine of the world wars. (via Manu)
– Poetic Computation is a book website that made me look. Created by HAWRAF.
– I am in love with the Mechanical Pencil, made from a solid piece of metal and designed to last a lifetime.
– Excted for this: Blue Planet II: The Prequel
– Immigrants are over-represented among Nobel Prize winners, patent holders, MacArthur genius grant winners. (via Adam Grant)
– I like this cafe owner’s sense of humor.
– On living in an interrupt culture. (via Jocelyn)
– Patagonia Has Launched Its Own Online Thrift Store. Brilliant.
– A soapless tunnel washing truck in Switzerland. The Swiss crack me up. EVERYTHING is so neat and perfect. Even the tunnels.
– Tinybop apps are now on the web, for use on any computer or device, in classrooms everywhere.
– This man survived the atomic bomb drop on Nagasaki, Japan. He has a message for the U.S. and North Korea.
– How to import all of your podcasts from iTunes/Apple Podcasts to RadioPublic
– When you create a solid routine, you save your willpower for the stuff that matters.
– This portable kids toy box is quite smart.
– New personal rule: If I “think a compliment”, I force myself to tell the person that triggered the thought. We don’t compliment enough!
– oooh! This side table!
– This colander made me laugh!
– A top recruiter lists the red flags that ruin any interview. I definitely never asked enough questions back in the day when I was interviewing for a position!
– Faroe Islands. I want to see this IRL one day.
– These ladies are so adorably excited about our scented Tattly. Made me smile.
You know, I compliment people all the time. …Clothing, shoes, faces, etc.. My girlfriends will often look at me with confusion asking why I would randomly say such a thing to someone. I say, why wouldn’t I tell her she’s beautiful? she is!
Sep 29th, 2017 / 11:59 am