2018 Year Planner

This Year Planner is GREAT. (Currently sold out though.)

6 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Thank you for this – and introducing me to an amazing looking shop in my home city – I will be paying them a visit very soon!

  2. It’s still in stock on the designers’ website: Crispin Finn Year Planner 2018.

    For US shipping, I picked up a copy at Little Otsu, a similarly-charming stationery shop.

  3. You can buy it on the designer’s website too! :)


  4. I use this guy >> https://www.neuyear.net/collections/time-domination-products I feel like the red version is very Tina.

    Fun fact: I discovered this brand years ago… on SWISS MISS (then met the guy at a trade show).

  5. This looks like a rip off of PostalCo’s calendar.