Happy My Birthday To You

It’s a new year and as of today, I am a year older. Wishing you all a good start to 2018. Thank you for stopping by and reading!

And, happy my birthday to you!

12 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Woo hoo! Have an awesome birthday, Tina!

  2. Happy birthday, Tina. And a very from-the-heart thank you for all of the sharing you’ve done through the years. I’ve been following you since early Flickr days (until I found your blog and then I followed you here). Through you I’ve seen great design, cool ideas, and an overall awesome, collaborative, positive sharing that has definitely enriched my life. Thank you!

  3. Happy birthday Tina – celebrate big; and thank you for a great start to my every morning!

  4. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday tooo yooouuu, Happy Biiiirthday dear Tiiiinnnaaa, Haaaappy Birthday tooo yooouu!! Hip ip HOORAH! Hip ip HOORAH!! What a lot you have to celebrate awesome you, Alice

  5. happy birthday!!

  6. Happy birthday to you – and it’s my birthday, too! Happy us! ? ?

  7. Happy Birthday! May you have a wonderful one!!!!

  8. Happy birthday Tina and thank you for this awesome blog!
    And birthday wishes to @Christoph too!

  9. Edward VIII said, “Never miss an opportunity to relieve yourself” and I say, “Never miss an opportunity to say Happy Birthday!”
    Happy birthday to you.

  10. another birthday twin here! happy our birthday! ha.

  11. (….well, belated now. ha. but i hope your day was as great as mine was!)