Mesmerizing Video Of Vibrant Paint Balls Absorbing and Dissolving
– Oh! A plate with a dividing line. I like this.
– Empty billboards. (via)
– Pessimist / Optimist Glasses.
– We have ruined childhood, by Kim Brooks.
– Oh, these planters! I like!
– This Bear Shaped Throw is amazing.
– You think you have a good eye and can tell if something is centered? Try this. (via Chris)
– These helping hands salad servers are super adorable. (via)
– How to get press for your creative work
– Katerina Kamprani designs sublimely dysfunctional everyday objects
– A human-sized barrel jellyfish near Cornwall
– Questions you can ask instead of how are you?
– Need a fun small gift that will get people laughing and talking? Tattly Tins are the beeeeest!
– There are so many cool jobs posted on the CreativeMornings job board. Go check them out.
Thank you!!!! xox
Aug 25th, 2019 / 9:13 pm
dear T, you seem to be as much in love with good questions that I am.
Clarissa Pinkola Estès she says thar questions are a gate to our souls. Anyway thant you for this new set of questions instead of How are you. My favorite question for today is : what do I need right now ?
kiss kiss, Christie from Paris
Aug 26th, 2019 / 10:50 am