1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters Here are the English ones.
I remember this one from growing up:
Der Papscht het z’ Schpiez ds Schpäckbschteck z’ schpät bschtellt.
It’s in a Swiss dialect from Bern and means: The pope ordered the bacon silverware in Spiez too late.
thx for that link swissmiss! I had such a laugh when trying to pronounce the french tonguetwisters:)
Dec 21st, 2005 / 9:06 am
thx for that link swissmiss! I had such a laugh when trying to pronounce the french tonguetwisters:)
Dec 21st, 2005 / 9:07 am
tnx 4 making me smile or fun of reading this french tongue twister
Sep 5th, 2009 / 8:50 pm