beer logo as a vector file

DuffI agree with JC over at Coudal: You never know when you might need a beer logo as an editable vector file.

5 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Swissmiss! Thank you! I think this will be nice to play around with them…

  2. I discovered your site a few weeks ago while doing photo research for my job (I’m a programmer at my university in Washington state). I really enjoy all the cool things I discover while looking at your postings and just wanted to thank you for giving me, a stranger half a continent away, a smile whenever I have a chance to peruse your site. I hope you don’t find this too weird… I don’t mean to come off as oddish, I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy your site.

  3. Maybe you’ve seen this exhaustive database of corporate vector logos…

  4. Hey, I’m desesperatly looking for the Tiger beer logo in vector format. Couldnt find it in normal sites of vector logos. Do you have any idea ? Thank you for your answer

  5. Thanks! im working on a compilation of beer logos too! check my collection