

Are you dreading to open your iPhoto as it’s running soo slowly? I was. Try iPhotobuddy, it allows you to create a new gallery and only view the images you want without the whole catalogue loading first. YAY!

4 Comments leave a comment below

  1. yeah, iphotobuddy is so useful and it’s a FREE download. i have been using it for months and found it so helpful that I made a donation/payment to the author.

  2. thats amazing! great link, cheers

  3. Hi,

    I have an old PowerBook G4 runing iPhoto 06… I just bought a MacBookPro with the latest of everything… BUT when I simply copied the iPhoto library from the old computer and replaced the new iPhoto’s library (empty) with the old one’s, iPhoto upgraded the library BUt messed up the file folders… duplicated some folders, put some pictures in a new album called “Recovered” but other pictures were fine in the albums…

    anyway.. all this to ask you a question: Do you know what the best way to transfer my library and data from the old mac without creating a mess (which makes it really hard to upload pictures to Facebook, for instance, bc I don;t which folder the picture will be in exactly…)??


  4. Hi,

    I have an old PowerBook G4 runing iPhoto 06… I just bought a MacBookPro with the latest of everything… BUT when I simply copied the iPhoto library from the old computer and replaced the new iPhoto’s library (empty) with the old one’s, iPhoto upgraded the library BUt messed up the file folders… duplicated some folders, put some pictures in a new album called “Recovered” but other pictures were fine in the albums…

    anyway.. all this to ask you a question: Do you know what the best way to transfer my library and data from the old mac without creating a mess (which makes it really hard to upload pictures to Facebook, for instance, bc I don;t which folder the picture will be in exactly…)??
