I had the pleasure to mingle with the speakers of the PSFK conference last night and finally got to meet Noah Brier. He runs a fantastic online journal and is the force behind likemind and street mining. Walking into the room, it was easy to spot him, as he was wearing a bright green jacket. Ah, it all makes sense. He’s the man with the green website that carries through his identity in his wardrobe. I respect such thoroughness! Noah’s a sharp thinker and talking to him keeps you on your toes. If he’s not on your radar, put him on.
Oh, and check out the PSFK conference. Lots of interesting speakers lined up. Ops, I just saw that the conference is sold out!
PSFK, thank you again for the invitation! I had a fabulous time.
:) Thanks so much for the shout out, Tina. Was great meeting you as well.
Mar 12th, 2008 / 5:32 pm