Checking email can be as addictive as gambling say experts.

In a study last year, Dr Thomas Jackson of Loughborough University, England, found that it takes an average of 64 seconds to recover your train of thought after interruption by email ( So people who check their email every five minutes waste 81/2hours a week figuring out what they were doing moments before. … Checking email can be as addictive as gambling say experts.

Email becomes a dangerous distraction, by Suw Charman-Anderson

6 Comments leave a comment below

  1. What about checking blog’s

  2. LOL I’ll attest to that! Though with gtalk I don’t have to check as often since it checks for me!

    OT: Tina, I love the new graphic (for Swissmiss)!

  3. I guess that’s why they call them crackberries. Personally i’ve avoided getting one thus far… which results in my sitting at home in front of the computer.

  4. This is so true!!

    Oh wait, I’ve an email…

  5. I’d totally believe that! I definitely lose focus when I see my little (1) pop-up in my minimized gmail account and there’s someone at my desk so I can’t check it right then. I’m definitely an email junkie.
