Michael has an interesting post about Twitter Lists in which I learned about MustExist.com/list_tags. Enter your twitter name see the names of Twitter lists associated with your account. Here’s mine about swissmiss. Some of the tags that made me laugh are designhappy, beasts_of_twitter, mayo (?) and webrockers.
What are some of yours that made you chuckle?
“breath of fresh air” was one I really appreciated.
I’m tickled to be seen as so many things at once: writer dudes and literati ladies, ny tech, awesome cute, conversationalist, industry_intelligence …
Nov 12th, 2009 / 11:09 am
This user was not added to any lists. =(
Does that mean I don’t exist? Oh.. to be or not to be twitter-listed, that’s the question!
Nov 12th, 2009 / 12:52 pm
I think you can see that by clicking “listed” on twitter itself.
Nov 12th, 2009 / 12:53 pm
the tag “robots” made me laugh on mine.
Nov 13th, 2009 / 1:04 am
Great find, Tina. About the 10th tag for me was ‘rock’ and a click later, I discovered that I’m someone’s list of people-that-rock. Cool.
Nov 13th, 2009 / 2:47 am