Jell-o Mold Competition

Numerous teams will compete and explore the resilient properties of Jell-O as a design medium, cultural phenomenon, and food that just won’t quit at the second annual Gowanus Studio Space Jell-O Mold Competition this saturday, june 26th!

I just watched last year’s video (below) and it made me chuckle. I loved Designglut’s Caviar Jell-O idea.

The Feedbag goes to the Jell-o Mold Competition from The Feedbag on Vimeo.

Read more about the Event.

Jell-O just makes me happy.
Make sure to read their Tips section.

(Thank you Ben and Good Luck)

2 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Well, nice and weird are the words that come to my mind when I see this :)

  2. A few years back some friends and I had a Fourth of Jello-y party to celebrate Independence Day. You just had to bring something Jello related.

    Get ready for next week!