Ten Things | Milton Glaser

How did I never come across the Ten Things I have learned by Milton Glaser? Did I study Graphic Design under a rock? I must have.

(thank you savita)

14 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Oh god I love this! It’s the only thing I ever give to students that’s deliberately about graphic design. Thanks for posting it.

  2. Oh my you aren’t alone. I never came across this during my graphic design studies. How sad.

  3. Thanks Swiss Miss. I want to read this every day.

  4. this is speaking to me right at this very time of my life. thanks so much for the link.

  5. Thank you, I have just left a job and a boss that I hated but tolerated for 4 years. Was feeling down but felt so much better after reading this.

  6. broken link when clicking image. there is an extra ” on the link

  7. thanks @gene. fixed.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this. It saved my day and just like to elisabetha, this really spoke to me at this point where I am as a designer right now. Thank you, thank you!

  9. The book he mentioned in his list is “Rules for Aging: A Wry and Witty Guide to Life” by Roger Rosenblatt

  10. I think I read this essay about once a month, and it always seems to keep me on the right track. He’s a treasure for sure.

  11. We either went to the school or I was much to nearsighted at the time to care. Thanks for posting I feel a bit more well rounded today!

  12. I designed a little typographic list of The Ten Things I have learned. Check it out over at campsite > (http://bit.ly/9UvdOL)

  13. Great list – not sure about the test listed under Point #3 – tired vs. energised.
    My wife suffers from depression and is always tired…even after we have a great time…granted it’s a general test, but it just made me wonder if I’m nourishing or toxic.

  14. Great list – not sure about the test listed under Point #3 – tired vs. energised.
    My wife suffers from depression and is always tired…even after we have a great time…granted it’s a general test, but it just made me wonder if I’m nourishing or toxic. I’ve also learned that not every list applies to me…