Tweet Nest

Tweet Nest is a browsable, searchable and easily customizable archive and backup for your tweets. Almost sounds too good to be true. I’ll give it a go. I have been hoping for such a service for moooonths now.

(thank you Matthew)

5 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Gina Trapani’s ThinkUp ( is a beautifully great alternative (it used to be know as a different name).

  2. Hello,

    Yes I install this soft today and it works really great !
    Example :

    But the only default is a twitter limitation, you can “only” archive 3200 tweets (about one year 1/2 for me).


  3. In fact Thinkup is not bad too, a little more “professional” but less funky that tweet nest.

  4. Have you heard of Twylah? It’s much like a blog in that Twylah categorizes and organize your tweets, as well as finds other people’s tweets.

    Here’s mine:

  5. I’ve been using Backupify which can backup all your social media ( They will even back up your Google tools – gmail, calendar, docs, etc. I’ll have to look into it to see if the switch is worthwhile.