The Candy Man Can

Sometimes listening to the Candy Man Song is all I need to make my day a little brighter and take my mind of looming decisions. Here we go:

8 Comments leave a comment below

  1. I always think of Willy Wonka when I hear this:) Perfect for a gloomy day like today!

  2. Thank you SO much. I needed a groovy lemon pie today, delivered by Sammy. Awesome. :)
    In fact, I’m going to listen again….

  3. Like, like, like! (However not the 70s outfit with the lots of blingbling everywhere)

  4. This number by Tony Bennett (Put on a Happy Face) does a similar job for me:

  5. When I was kid, and this song was first out, it was an anathema to me. So much so that I rigged up a push-button car radio in my room so I could change stations instantly any time it came on. Let me explain.

    Once upon a time there used to be this thing called “Top 40 Radio” for popular music. And in the 60’s and early 70’s it truly was top 40 with very diverse selections. Within an hour you could easily go from Candy Man or another “easy listening” artist to an anti-war protest song, to psychedelic music, to Mason Williams’ “Classical Gas”, to a comedy or novelty song. It was once that diverse.

    The very good thing about that was being exposed to a wide spectrum of music…even if you thought you didn’t like it. Of course now, radio markets are extremely segmented, with little variety at all. The only one I know who tried to carry on the tradition was the late, great John Peel in the UK on BBC Radio 1.

    One last trivia item about “Candy Man”. Sammy Davis recorded it in one take because, at the time, he hated it and didn’t really want to record it. I’m pretty sure he liked it much better when it became a hit. ;-)

  6. You are kidding me. This has been stuck in my head all day! Chris Evans, the DJ for BBC Radio 2 plays this tune every Friday morning for the listeners, brightens up my day :)

  7. I recall this when it was a hit. It was so UN-hip at the time. (Perhaps 69 or so?)

    My father told a great story about being in a ski resort, and someone put $10 in a Juke Box and selected this song to play over and over. And over.

    It nearly started a fight people got so annoyed.

    Terrific bit of trouble making. I wish I had thought of it.

  8. LOVE this, and to think I have heard it thousands of times, but never the Sammy version!

    This reminds me of watching Willy Wonka over and over (and over) again as a child, so much so that, to this day, I regularly come out with obscure quotes and references to that brilliant movie. rachmaninov.