I just backed LINX over on Kickstarter. It’s is a super simple toy that will most certainly unleash your inner architect. All you need is lots of LINX and lots of drinking straws.

5 Comments leave a comment below

  1. There’s already something pretty similar on the market: Straws & Connectors. Basically the same thing but less fancier and more child proof.

    I thought the goal of Kickstarter was to start new things?


    they have a newspaper version too where kids can roll up the newspaper and connect them together.

  3. >>I thought the goal of Kickstarter was to start new things?

    Does this not include new competitors?

    clever, cost-effective idea in any case.

  4. These are similar – but they have a star pattern option not as easily achieved by the competitors. As for kickstarter being only for “new things” – that’s something of a disingenuous statement. There are already tons of ipod holders, musical albums, clocks, sound machines and the like on the marker – yet they abound on kickstarter. The reason they are there is because the new innovations are better. Same with these connectors. There’s always room for improvement and innovation in existing areas, as many of the successfully funded kickstarter item exemplify.

  5. I love it’s simplicity, but have noticed many things of a similar ilk already on the market.

    I’m not knocking the designer. It looks great fun, and rather esthetically pleasing, as an art installation.

    All the best.