Stop-motion Pattern Studies #1 by Serena Olivieri
– I want my hair to be colored rainbow like this for tomorrow’s rainbow parade. Join us?
– Cablox tames cables. (What’s up with her high heels at work?)
– Looking for color inspiration for your apartment? Try Chipit, a web-based tool that allows you to select any online image and instantly identify the Sherwin-Williams paint colors that correspond to the colors contained within the picture. Cool.
– This little guy is quite adorable.
– Some folks have asked for a downloadable PDF of our Fridge Rules, a creation by my lovely Swissmisstant Jen Mussari. Enjoy.
– Mother’s Day is on May 13th. Show her your love by wearing a Mother or Mama Tattly.
– Super Mario Summary (via Coudal)
– Clearly marked umbrella stand
– Tentacle Mustache. Yup.
– Do yourself a favor and take the time to watch this talk by Simon Sinek.
– Eep! Eep! One of my favorite companies, Mailchimp, is looking to hire a designer. If I was 10 years younger, not married, without kids, I would totally apply for this position. You’d get to work with some of the finest people I know. You’re wondering why I love Mailchimp so much? Watch this talk by Ben Chestnut, one of the co-founders.
– Folded Notebooks! *so cool*
Another great colour-selection tool is Clrpicker (, a sadly Android-only app that smartly picks a range of colours out of a taken or saved photograph. Used it when I was repainting my bedroom (and my girlfriend uses it when she’s doing fashion design.)
So great. And free!
Apr 27th, 2012 / 1:32 pm
What fonts are used in Fridge Rules?
May 2nd, 2012 / 2:04 pm
Pop-Ups for the display font and the body font is called Nordic.
May 2nd, 2012 / 2:10 pm