Key Hiding Rock

This might be my new favorite housewarming gift for my friends moving to the suburbs: Key Hiding Rock.

10 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Also know as the-first-place-a-burglar-looks…

  2. If you want to DIY zakka life posted a really good tutorial – a pill box with a rock glued to the lid here: The beauty in this is that like a lot of key hiding rocks, the back doesn’t constantly go missing.

  3. On Norm MacDonald’s tv show, he lived in an apartment, and had one of these out in the hallway. Hilarious!

  4. From the very first episode of “Two and a Half Men” in 2003:

    Charlie Sheen: How did you get in my house?

    Alan: Okay, Charlie, the key in the fake rock only works if it’s among other rocks, not sitting on your welcome mat!

    Charlie: Excuse me, but if you put the fake rock in with a bunch of other rocks, it’s impossible to find when you’re drunk.

  5. You Rock Swiss Miss! Thanks. The Spoons

  6. So, I can put that under my car then?

  7. Could you use this for geocaching? Mini time capsules? Secret garden stashes of chocolate drops?

  8. BTW, these rocks are come from the New England area and weigh anywhere from 3 to 4 1/2 lbs.

  9. Too nice looking a rock. Any neighborhood kid wants to grab that and throw it.

  10. If you’re interested in a rock key hider that actually safeguards the keys in a lock box, we offer just the thing. It’s called a RocLok and it’s 4 times the weight of this solution with a three digit set-your-own coded combination lock box hidden on the bottom. Plus we offer a way to anchor it to the ground so you don’t have to worry about it being thrown or someone walking away with it. If you’re interested check us out at: – we hand make them all in Oregon USA and ship throughout the country free of charge via FedEx Ground.