In this Build talk, Jason Santa Maria teaches us to look at typefaces with a discerning eye, different approaches to typographic planning, how typography impacts the act of reading, and how to choose and combine appropriate typefaces from an aesthetic and technical point of view.
– CheatSheet shows you all the keyboard shortcuts of your currently active application.
– Interesting read: 7 Habits of Web-Savvy Entrepreneurs.
– Yikes: Constantly Online? Mental Problems Await (thank you @popchair)
– Strawfoot, handmade Tote Bags, brought to you by GNTLMN.
– The first 20 employees at Google and what they’re doing now. Interesting. (via @collabfund)
– Picplum, my favorite photo printing sharing service just got better. You can now easily choose between multiple print sizes and add a personal note. Score!
– Emily is now taking pre-sale orders for the Brooklyn Quilt! Gaaah!
– The Sparrow Problem – the gold rush is over.
– Like to obsess over perfectly folding your laundry? The Flip Fold is for you!
– The folks at Warby Parker are looking to hire a Front-End Web Developer. I love that company.
– Yum. This Peach Ricotta Tart looks delicious.
– Flashback central: I totally remember my mom having one of these, in bright orange. A laundry basket with folding legs. Brilliant, right?
I have the Flip Fold and it is the perfect device.
Jul 27th, 2012 / 1:42 pm
Newsweek had an article recently ‘ICrazy” with similar research results. :)
Jul 27th, 2012 / 2:34 pm
thanks for mentioning Picplum. will try it
Jul 28th, 2012 / 4:22 am
Why buy a Flip Fold when you can do this?
Jul 29th, 2012 / 10:39 am
Flip and fold is still quicker and makes everything a uniform size, whether it is my sweatshirt or my wife’s t-shirt. But yeah, I guess if you wanted to spend that sort of time to be a pro, go for it. Laundry is simply a hamster wheel to be overcome.
Jul 29th, 2012 / 9:33 pm
thanks for the cheatsheet hint – perfect app!
Jul 31st, 2012 / 8:13 am