Laser Cat from Hungry Castle on Vimeo.
Last week I had the honor to meet the fine gentlemen behind Laser Cat: Kevin O’Callaghan and Hungry Castle. Their excitement over Laser Cat, a collaboration between them and ADC was refreshingly adorable. The project aims to get us creative types to submit personal art to Laser Cat so that he can show it to the world. We all got into this game because we loved art but many creatives have lost touch with their art because of the nature of the business. Laser Cat is hungry to change that.
Make Laser Cat happy by sending in Drawings, Ceramics, Sculptures, Paintings, Photography, Cat Photography or Film. The more art he’s fed the stronger he grows. 100 submitted artworks gives him the power to project on walls, 1000 means he can cover buildings and if he’s fed 1 Million artworks then Laser Cat will be able to project art onto the moon. (!!!)
You have until November 30 to feed Laser Cat. The launch of the biggest art show ever will take place on Miami Beach at the Bass Museum next April 7-9 as part of the ADC Annual Awards + Festival of Art and Craft in Advertising and Design.
Yes, this all is a bit strange. But that’s ok.