Woah! littleBits just launched a Space Kit, in collaboration with NASA.
littleBits is the LEGO of electronics. It’s a library of electronic modules that snap together with magnets for prototyping, learning, and fun.
I am a fan.
Woah! littleBits just launched a Space Kit, in collaboration with NASA.
littleBits is the LEGO of electronics. It’s a library of electronic modules that snap together with magnets for prototyping, learning, and fun.
I am a fan.
Haha, I just can imagine my older brother – he would have been into this stuff (and he will probably today when I tell him about this). Back then he build cool things with FischerTechnik (later he studied physics, you get the picture).
Love it, littleBits.
Apr 24th, 2014 / 4:24 pm