Portable Standing Desk: StandStand

StandStand is a portable standing desk, an invention by Luke Leafgreen. StandStand is super lightweight, sturdy and folds down in seconds. Brilliant! Want to get one? Support the Kickstarter, it ends in 7 days!

4 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Thank you, dear Swiss Miss! This is exactly what I was looking for!!!

  2. Hmmm ….

    It’s bulky and heavy. You need to measure the height of your desk to be sure you get the right height, but then what’s the point of getting a portable stand if you never know the desk height you’ll be using it at? If it’s for permanent use in one place you could just use a pile of books.

    In the video why does he use up an entire table at outdoor seating just to stand up?

    Then there is this gem “However, laptops have an inherent ergonomic flaw: the screen is next to the keyboard, so you always have to look down. ” An inherent ergonomic flaw? It’s a ‘laptop’ computer!

  3. Portable Standing Desk …

    Sehr cooles Teil, könnte ich auch gebrauchen … nur Sitzen ist für den Arsch ;-)

    Gruss Tom

  4. Hmm. I foresee future neck issues with having to be looking down the whole time.