“Whatever you’re doing, a sense of superiority will make you worse at it. Humility, on the other hand, will make you better.
The moment you think you’ve got it all figured out, your progress stops. Instead, continue to advance and improve by reminding yourself how much more there will always be to discover.
Confidence is positive and empowering, but arrogance is deadly. Be confident, but not at the expense of your respect for others.
Don’t burn up all your energy proving how great you are. Invest your time and energy being thoughtful and helpful.
See the victories not as proof of your supremacy, but as opportunities to offer more value to life. See the defeats not as personal affronts, but as chances to learn and grow stronger.
Take care not to waste your time in delusions of grandeur. Embrace the power of confident humility, and live well.”
(via Emerline)
Thank you Tina … just what I needed to read right now! Removing my thinking that what I make should and/or would be great is actually a huge relief – I felt a weight lift! Merci! Love your posts!!!
May 17th, 2018 / 11:45 am
Thank you for posting this….
May 18th, 2018 / 9:34 am