I Need To Do Better

Thank you for this gentle yet powerful call to action, Anisa Makhoul. I have to do better.

Black Lives Matter.

5 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Hi Tina,

    I am a huge fan of your blog and have been reading for several years now. I am Black, but not American, and find solace in your posts for the quality and caliber of the content that you post. This isn’t because I am Black, but because I hold your site as a relic of how wonderful the web was prior to Social Media. For me it was a world where you didn’t have to go to Google to find a pleasant nook on the information super highway which is why I cheered from my seat to see you celebrating your blog anniversary with a much needed and sorely missed blog roll. Admittedly, it is a bit jolting for me to see your posts on saying that you have to do better. Your blog is a place of escape for me and so to learn that you think that you have to do better makes me wonder how and in what way?

  2. Taylor, can you for your kind words.

    When I say I have to do better, I mean that in regards to be more vocal about supporting my black community members, lifting them up more, being outspokenly anti-racist, go the extra mile to add more black artists to the Tattly roster, hand the CreativeMornings mic to more black speakers, make sure black people feel welcome at my events, hire more poc, read the books, …

  3. Thank you! I am Black and have followed your blog for *years* and a part of Creative Mornings! I noticed that this site doesn’t amplify Black voices, and would love to see more Black artists (broad definition) highlighted. Thanks!

  4. Hi Tina,

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question. I appreciate your insights on this. I trust that any actions you take to be more inclusive would align with the intriguing and insightful work you are known for cultivating and curating. I appreciate that you took the time to answer my question and I am excited to see the outcomes of these intensions. If these is anything I can do to help you in this effort, I would be happy to participate as I deeply treasure and trust the work and endeavours you do. I believe as the owner of the site, you are privy to my email address when I post in the comments.

    Thank you again for replying!



  5. Very well said. We all regret those times when we could have actually helped someone but couldn’t. When I started my blog, I asked many people to help me find a way to succeed but no one actually did. Everyone is so busy with their own stuff that we neglect to bring each other up. But no regrets because I finally found my way and now writing house plan blogs  for full time now.