Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers — and as a counterpoint Tivo, which (until a recent court victory that tripled its stock price) appeared to be struggling.

Definitely a new favorite on my long list of TED talks.

13 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Hey Swiss!

    Love your blog and this video.

    Thanks for sharing. Keep up the excellent work! ;-)

  2. Excelent presentation, thank you very very much.

  3. What about a list of your favourite TED Talks? :)

  4. Yes, Simon is an inspiring speaker, and his workshop at 99% was really great! ;)

  5. Oh, that’s a great idea Michael and Michael – a list of your favourite TED talks would be awesome!! Or should I say super guat! :)

  6. Terrific. Its definitely on my list now.

  7. I love TED. And I’m not afraid to admit it. BTW, a list of favorites would be cool (super guat.)

  8. A great video! Thank you for embedding it.

  9. Thank you very much for this inspiring video. It fits very well into what I have been learning the past year and reminded me very strongly of my own inner calling. That you for re-awakening me because I somehow forgot about the most important question in life…the question that makes life worthwile. <3


  10. Langley and those who were lined up to buy an iPhone to have it first. I don’t see so many differences: they both wanted to be first, they both got money.
    And, just fussing around: Is marketing so strong as a believe in something high as doctor King? was the speech in Washington just the result of a strategy? or just because it comes up while I write, is it safe to talk about Apple as they talk about a religion? Isn’t simplification dangerous sometime, even if you have to end a presentation in 20 minutes?
    I am not religious and I am not cynic, I am not a fan of Apple and I use an iPhone, I am not black and I am not Saxon, I love flying and i cannot drive planes. I mean, I love TED Talks, and I do agree with almost all what Sinek talks about, but sometime ‘the way you do things’ is so strong I hardly can see ‘what you actually do’.