Back in blog/US/land! YAY! After a 2 week hiatus with little Miss Ella and my fabulous husband G, I am back in blogland. Hooray! We spent a fresh-air-filled-week in Switzerland, where Ella was introduced to pigpens, appenzeller cow beauty pageants (no kidding), tractor driving (see picture above), swiss saussages (just looking at it, for now), a real swiss wedding (congrats C and M!) and the coolness of Berlin! She has proven to be quite the traveler!
Happy to be back! How is everybody?
So jetzt isch d’urlaud vorbei! Jetzt geht’s wieder los!!
Nice having you guys back!
Sep 28th, 2006 / 1:39 pm
Welcome back!! We have missed you!
Sep 28th, 2006 / 3:03 pm
great, we were in berlin at the same time. dang.
Sep 28th, 2006 / 7:26 pm
Welcome back!
Sep 29th, 2006 / 10:04 am